ANTA Well Represented at Finger Lakes Earthdog Trial
The whole ANTA contingent … top row left to right … Lini Federici, Peggy Metcalf, Liz McDonnell, Janet Laterner, Sue Ely, Lance and Bernadette Martin, Lori Pelletier and Gavin Pelletier Newell. Front row left to right, Beth Kravitz, Sharon Witte, Joan Krantz, Sheila Foran, and Tony Gabrielli.
Lini’s beautiful Foxy after a hard day’s work.Sue and George checking out the ‘famous’ stone wall.Beth and Hattie after a successful Master run.Tony … chief dog holder, baby sitter, and raconteur.The raffle basket held something for everyone!Joan Krantz and Peggy Metcalf got the raffle drawing off to a good start.Janet selected Miss Piggy from the raffle basket.Lini and her raffle loot.