Articles Index/Message From The President
Posted 07/02/00
Tony Gabrielli and Wayne Palmer have volunteered to host their second mid-West ANTA match at their farm near Cleveland, Ohio, on July 15th, in tandem with a cluster of AKC shows. Their inaugural event last year was terrific and had over 100 people and 35 Norfolks in attendance.
We will likely not have our traditional Spring match. Weather concerns make events in the mid-Atlantic problematic earlier than mid-April and we try to avoid scheduling our events too close to other Norfolk activities. In this vein, we are mindful of NNTC's St. Louis, MO, show May 6th and a potential Canadian Norfolk club event May 27th.
Montgomery appears to fall again on Columbus Day weekend next year, so our Fall Festival will be October 14th and 15th in Katonah, New York.
Over the winter we will continue to develop event plans for 2000, so watch for fliers and announcements here in ANTIC, or visit the Coming Events page on the ANTA web site.
We in ANTA have a wonderful opportunity next year. We have the privilege to participate in running our Club. I am referring to our biannual elections of officers and directors.
So often in social organizations a clique runs the organization and members find it difficult to have a voice. ANTA may be unique in the dog world in that its politics are so low key, probably because members prefer a refuge from typical dog club seriousness and partly because we are not the "keeper' of the breed standard. But this does not mean that the Club doesn't need you.
The Board is interested in the views of the Club's members and seeks to encourage their participation. Members can do that both by helping with events and by becoming actively involved in the business of the Club.
By next June, the Board will appoint a Nominating Committee to prepare a slate of nominees for next year's elections. But we are not mind readers and having a list of members who are willing and interested in joining the Board will greatly ease the burden placed on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested let me or Lori Pelletier know.
Much of the Board's business is conducted by mail, but Board meetings are also held in conjunction with some of our events. Prospective candidates should be able to commit to attending most events or meetings, and a record of participation in ANTA activities is highly desirable, but dedication to the Norfolk breed and ANTA's objectives is of paramount importance.
Ed Plummer
ANTIC, December, 1999
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