ANTA invites you to join us for Fun in the Sun at the Finger Lakes Kennel Club Earthdog tests July 22, 23, 24, 2016 in Newark Valley, NY.
There will be in-ground practice at the test site on Friday, July 22 from noon to four. FLKC is offering two tests on Saturday and one on Sunday. Please check their website for the premium: www.fingerlakeskennelclub.org The FLKC greatly appreciates our support as the Norfolk entry usually outnumbers any other breed at these tests!
We encourage everyone to come and see what Norfolk were bred to do…hunt for vermin. The site is well-shaded and the FLKC offers a delicious breakfast and lunch. We always have a wonderful time sharing good food, swapping dog stories and watching and supporting each other as we run our terriers.
LODGING: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Red Roof Inn, 590 Fairwiew St., Johnson City, NY 13790 for Friday and Saturday at the rate of $67.99 plus tax. Use the block code B203ANTA22 by July 1st. There is no pet fee. Phone: 1-800-733-7663. ***NOTE: There is an additional $1.50 Safe Fee per night. If safe is not used please advise the front desk at checkout.
FRIDAY DINNER: Join us at 6:30 at the Food & Fire BBQ~Taphouse, 560 Harry L Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790. Phone: 607-296-0010. www.foodfirebbq.com ***Directions from the Red Roof: Turn left out of the Red Roof onto Fairview St. Go 0.10 miles and turn left onto Reynolds Rd. Go 0.24 miles and turn left onto Harry L Drive. Go 0.17 miles and turn right at the McDonalds restaurant. Drive past McDonalds and Food & Fire is ahead on the corner on the left. This is a very short drive!
SATURDAY DINNER: FLKC has invited us to join them for dinner in Owego after the second test on Saturday. More information on Saturday morning.
Turn left out of the motel parking lot onto Fairview. Turn left onto Reynolds which becomes State Highway 201. Continue straight ahead and merge onto NY 17 West toward Elmira for 17 miles. Take exit 64 and follow signs to Rt 96 North (crossing the river into Owego) to the junction of Rt 38 at the traffic light. Turn left onto Rt 38 and continue 10 miles to Newark Valley. After the light in Newark Valley travel 1.5 miles, cross the RR tracks and turn right on Old State Road (dirt). Turn left before the row of greenhouses. Turn left into the large grassy area just after the old buildings on the left. ANTA sets up under the big tree down on the left.
***This is private property and we ask that everyone pick up after their dog. Water is available on site. ***Please bring chairs and some snacks to share. ANTA will have a ‘Doggie Yard Sale’ table. If you have something nice that others may like, bring it along. Remember…one person’s doggie trash is another person’s doggie treasure!! Proceeds will go to ANTA rescue. ‘No sales’ may be donated to the local animal shelter.
***************************************** Name______________________________
I/we plan to attend Friday, Saturday, Sunday (please circle choices)
If training on Friday how many dogs?_____ Friday dinner. How many? _______ Saturday dinner. How many? ______
I/we plan to bring an item or two for the Doggie Yard Sale. Yes ____ No____
***Please mail to Peggy Metcalf, 9367 Elpis Rd., Camden, NY 13316 by July 15th. Questions, email to nflurries @gmail.com