My girl: Rugby’s Eden
Breeder: Linda Federici
Eden finished her JE over the weekend at Purina in June 2012, missed the next ED opportunity at Purina in September due to being in season, and completed her first leg of Senior at yesterday’s (10-21-2012) last ED test at Purina Farms. Eden has the rest of the year off for ED until next spring when we will start up again at Purina.
I am President of Gateway Terrier Association, and have been an organizer of ED tests at Purina for two years now, running four tests this year.
Currently seven dens are available at Purina: 3 IQ, 2 JE/SE combo, 1 JE, 1 ME. A new JE/SE is almost ready to be set in the ground and an additional ME will be the next project. The new Event Center [at Purina]is big and bright with surrounding areas for other events.
Shirley LaMear